Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day Two of the 25 Days of Christmas

It has been a rainy but warm Sunday. The wonderful thing about having guests for dinner is cleaning up the next day. Thanks to help from my wonderful husband all the china and crystal are clean and back in the cabinets. Horace and I enjoyed a wonderful quiet lunch together at home today. There is nothing like tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich on a rainy afternoon. This evening I made a Christmas train out of rice crispy treats and watched the Christmas movie “The Holiday”. Tonight I got to steal away to my little retreat upstairs and read the Christmas Story. No not the story about the kid who wanted a BB gun, the real Christmas story in Mathew and Luke. In Luke 2:19 I was reminded how important memories like the ones we shared last night are when I read “Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.”

So day two of my 25 days of Christmas is almost over. I have been anticipating the beginning of the 25 days of Christmas all week. It’s hard to believe two days have already flown by. Tomorrow morning Horace has cataract surgery. So in addition to my Christmas prayer I will be praying for a successful surgery tomorrow. 

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