Thursday, May 3, 2012

History of Henderson County, KY outlines Aududon History

Frieda Dannheiser and Don Hazelwood printed a lengthy "History of Henderson County , KY" from 1888 to 1978 in 1980.  Chapter XVII of the book outlines the history of the East End, a city within a city.

John James Audubon built a two story log cabin on a small hill which is now the site of Loeb and Shelby Streets in 1815. At the writing of this book in 1980 the editors report that Audubon had its own drugs stores, soda fountains, fire stations, barber shops, grocery stores, dry cleaning establishments and other places of businesses.  The population of Audubon in 1880 was estimated to be 60 people and 1889 the population had grown to 200. In 1913 the population of Audubon was estimated to be 3,200.

The industrial expansion began with the cotton mills which were built in 1883. The Henderson Cotton Mills remained in operation under that name until 1922.

The Audubon history in this book highlights the lives of several residents and important milestones for the community. The link below takes you to a PDF of just the sections relating to the Audubon area. It's a quick and easy read and probably has information that many long time residents don't even know.


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